Sensei Brian Toomey 6th Dan

Sensei Brian Toomey has been practising karate for over 35 years.

Sensei Toomey received his first lesson in Fermoy Karate Club from Tom Abbernetty and has gone to train under Shihan Asai and Kato.

As Karate is continuing to change and develop he feels that you have to keep getting this level of instruction for your own karate to progress. He likes nothing better than to pass on his knowledge and experience to other students.

Sensei Toomey has represented Ireland as competitor, Coach/Manager and as a referee down through the years and is well respected on the International Karate Circuit.

As head of the International Japan Karate Association in Ireland he is constantly organising seminars, championships and courses, which are always open to other organisations and Associations

The aim of the IJKA is to foster the true spirit of karate and develop international relations between countries under the guidence of world class instructors such as Shihan Kato (9th Dan). Here in Ireland we hold true to this aim by teaching karate in our clubs all over Ireland and by holding international competitions and courses attended by people from all over the world. It is in this fashion that we hope to grow and develop the IJKA and ourselves further. All styles and organisations are welcome to attend IJKA courses.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

An interview withTetsuhiko Asai

Tetsuhiko Asai Sensei
New Zealand Interview - December 2003

By André Bertel – 5th Dan
(JKS New Zealand Founder & Chief Instructor)

Anyone who studies under Shuseki Shihan Tetsuhiko Asai learns rapidly why he is widely regarded as one of the greatest living masters of Shotokan karate. In the eyes of his followers - no one in the world can imitate his unbelievable technical skills. In addition to his seemingly endless knowledge, Asai Shihan's wonderful personality is loved all over the world - he is a master in the truest sense. In 2000 Asai Shihan founded the NPO (Non-profit-organisation) Japan Karate Shotokai (JKS) to take karate into the new millennium. Here, in this compelling interview, conducted in Christchurch, New Zealand, Shuseki Shihan Asai gives great insight into his unparalleled karate excellence.

(Andre Bertel) Sensei what are your main objectives in teaching Karate?

(Tetsuhiko Asai) In the past not everybody could do karate in the standard way, particularly after the war, there was a closed off mentality, a physical hardness in karate, aiming primarily to build spirit, rather than effective martial arts technique. Many people in Shotokan had, and still have, closed minds thinking this is the only way to do karate, and this permeates throughout all the aspects of their training. Karate has five aspects, firstly martial arts karate - effective in reality, secondly health karate, thirdly exercise karate, fourthly tournament karate, and lastly, karate to make a strong spirit... All these aspects are included in karate, and depending on the person, karate differs. My karate includes all of the above, not only karate for making a strong spirit. Effective karate is balanced, not just hard, this hardness which came after the war, was a way to make people push themselves to their physical, mental, and spiritual limits. This style of training is very basic and limited for martial arts/self-defense. It was also limited, participation-wise. My main objective is to return karate to its original martial arts origins, karate has no limitations. If karate can only be used by strong people, it is highly limited.

(AB) Sensei, you intensely study over 150 different kata. Many karateka can't comprehend this?

(TA) Yes, as you know we have many kata, for example if someone's punch is no good, practice this kata, if their hip rotation is no good, do this kata, kicks no good, train this kata... From practicing in this way we can improve martial arts technique. Before, karate was only movement (Asai Sensei demonstrates a few lightning fast strikes in rapid succession from his chair) with not so much meaning. Now there's more meaning, not only basic techniques but the revival of marital arts karate from the distant past. The standard Shotokan kata has emphasis on basic techniques like gedan-barai, mae-geri keage, oi-zuki and so on. These kata are mostly for development of power and speed. They also tire the muscles and breathing. They are good for making spirit and for conditioning the body, this is good in one's youth. However, as one gets older, step-by-step they must change so they can keep improving in karate. More natural movement is essential, in fact the sooner people start this the better, as it results in increased efficiency. The advanced kata I developed are martial arts kata, taking the karateka to the next level; André, you are one of my few students who know many of the advanced kata such as Hachimon, Kakuyoku shodan, Kakuyoku nidan and Kakuyoku sandan, Meikyo nidan, Meikyo sandan, Sensho, Shotei, Kashu, Suishu, Roshu, Hushu, Senka, Seiryu and others. As a result you are now executing high level martial arts karate. Others should follow your example. Some are fixated on merely studying the 26 standard Shotokan kata.

(AB) You have said that competition rules should be more martial arts orientated in the Kumite?

(TA) Absolutely, we must change from the sports kumite kind which is again very limited! Only straight punching, kicking and takedowns, not good for martial arts, creating bad habits. We must also include circular punches, strikes, and other karate techniques. If the distance is close, why not use a controlled empi-uchi or mawashi-zuki to win? This is martial arts karate, far more diverse than just sports.

Lastly Sensei, what is the future direction for Budo Karate?

(TA) For people to be able to do karate throughout their lives and keep improving. Everyone can practice karate-do. In regards to groups around the world, division in karate is not good. It is always because of ego, because everyone wants the top position in national federations and so on. I think if people want the top position in karate they have to train more than the others (laughs). For example if doing a seminar with me the top people should train seven to ten hours per day then perhaps they don't want the top position, they just want to quietly train and improve. This is because they are too busy wanting to be called the chief instructor or something. This is very stupid! Too many people want to be the boss more than they want to train and improve their own karate. My organisation is a martial arts organisation and I am a karate-man not a politician.

(AB) Thank you so much Sensei for doing this interview! We can't wait to get you back to New Zealand for more Technical Seminars and great times, OSU!

(TA) My pleasure Andre, OSU!

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