Sensei Brian Toomey 6th Dan

Sensei Brian Toomey has been practising karate for over 35 years.

Sensei Toomey received his first lesson in Fermoy Karate Club from Tom Abbernetty and has gone to train under Shihan Asai and Kato.

As Karate is continuing to change and develop he feels that you have to keep getting this level of instruction for your own karate to progress. He likes nothing better than to pass on his knowledge and experience to other students.

Sensei Toomey has represented Ireland as competitor, Coach/Manager and as a referee down through the years and is well respected on the International Karate Circuit.

As head of the International Japan Karate Association in Ireland he is constantly organising seminars, championships and courses, which are always open to other organisations and Associations

The aim of the IJKA is to foster the true spirit of karate and develop international relations between countries under the guidence of world class instructors such as Shihan Kato (9th Dan). Here in Ireland we hold true to this aim by teaching karate in our clubs all over Ireland and by holding international competitions and courses attended by people from all over the world. It is in this fashion that we hope to grow and develop the IJKA and ourselves further. All styles and organisations are welcome to attend IJKA courses.


Monday, January 25, 2010

About Shotokan Karate

Gichin Funakoshi, the founder of shotokan karate, stated that the ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory or defeat, but in perfection of character. In this way, karate may be described as an aesthetic course of self-discipline, leading to enlightenment. Literally, karate-do is the way of the empty hand. This includes the philosophical notion of "emptying" oneself of improper motives; not merely fighting without weapons. The principles of training go beyond technique and may be applied to ordinary life. Karate training involves little instruction in philosophy. Students are expected to learn the underlying philosophical principles through hard work and much practice. By following the technical directions of the instructors, the example of the senior students and applying themselves completely to each technique, karate-ka will develop a deep understanding of both the technical and philosophical aspects of karate.
It is said that in karate there is no second chance. Karate-ka are taught to use each technique as if their lives depended upon its successful application. This concept is called ikken hikattsu in Japanese, literally to kill with one blow. However, the real meaning is that a karate-ka must be completely committed to each technique and must apply each technique with certainty, force, decisiveness and without regard to the possibility of failure. Shotokan karate traces its roots to the islands of Okinawa, which now form part of Japan. An indigenous fighting system know as Okinawa-te (Okinawa hand) would eventually become karate (Chinese hand) and, finally, karate-do (the way of the empty hand). Historically, Okinawa was an independent kingdom, but it was strongly influenced by Chinese culture. Okinawa established a tributary relationship with China, which allowed Okinawan martial artists to study in China (and to train with Chinese martial artists visiting Okinawa). There were originally three styles of Okinawa-te, named for the towns where they were located: Shuri-te, Naha-te and Tomari-te. Shotokan karate is a modern Japanese style, descended from these traditional Okinawan styles. Unfortunately, the history of karate is somewhat incomplete and speculative. Until recently, karate was taught in secret and few records were maintained. During the period of secrecy, there would be no open discussion karate training, even within a family.
Gichin Funakoshi is widely regarded as the father of modern karate and is certainly the father of Japanese karate. He was an Okinawan schoolteacher and an enthusiastic karate-ka. He began karate training in his childhood, primarily with Yasutsune Azato (1827-1906) and Yasutsune Itosu (1830-1915). Funakoshi was selected to give the first demonstrations of karate outside Okinawa. They occurred in 1916 (possibly 1917) and in 1922. His demonstrations were well received and there was much interest in the introduction of karate to Japan. Funakoshi remained in Japan after the second demonstration.
Initially, there were few students to support the only karate instructor in Japan. The 56 year old schoolteacher had to take odd jobs at the dormitory where he set up his temporary dojo. He worked as watchman, caretaker and gardener. To pay for his meals, he had to persuade the cook to take lessons. Our style is called Shotokan as a tribute to Master Funakoshi, who used the pen-name Shoto on poetry and calligraphy. Shoto means waving pine. Funakoshi selected this name because he enjoyed hearing the sound of the wind through the pine trees as he took evening walks in Okinawa. In 1936, Funakoshi built his first dojo in Tokyo. His students named it the Shotokan, meaning Shoto's club. Funakoshi did not actually name his style of karate, but the name of the dojo came to be associated with the style itself. Master Funakoshi died on 26 April 1957. During his lifetime, he trained many famous students, including Shigeru Egami, Masatoshi Nakayama, Keinosuke Enoeda, Tsutomu Oshima, Hidetaka Nishiyama and Teruyuki Okazaki.
One of Master Funakoshis enduring legacies are the Dojo kun. Five precepts which all students of Karate should adhere.

These are:
Seek perfection of character (Hitotsu jinkaku kansei ni tsutomurukoto)
Be faithful (Hitotsu, makoto no michi wo yashinaukoto)
Endeavour (Hitotsu, doryoku no seishin wo yashinnaukoto)
Respect others (Hitotsu, reigi wo omonzurukoto)
Refrain from violent behaviour (Hitotsu, kekki no yuu wo imashimurukoto)

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